package saddle
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- saddle
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- implicit class StenSaddleSyntax extends AnyRef
Value Members
- def fromFloatMat[S](m: Mat[Float], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromLongMat[S](m: Mat[Long], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromLongMat[S](m: Mat[Long], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromLongVec[S](m: Vec[Long], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromLongVec[S](m: Vec[Long], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromMat[S](m: Mat[Double], device: Device, precision: FloatingPointPrecision)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromMat[S](m: Mat[Double], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromVec[S](m: Vec[Double], device: Device, precision: FloatingPointPrecision)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- def fromVec[S](m: Vec[Double], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device
- implicit val mBool: EmptyMovable[Mat[Boolean]]
- implicit val mByte: EmptyMovable[Mat[Byte]]
- implicit val mD: EmptyMovable[Mat[Double]]
- implicit val mF: EmptyMovable[Mat[Float]]
- implicit val mI: EmptyMovable[Mat[Int]]
- implicit val mL: EmptyMovable[Mat[Long]]
- implicit val mS: EmptyMovable[Mat[Short]]
- implicit val vBool: EmptyMovable[Vec[Boolean]]
- implicit val vByte: EmptyMovable[Vec[Byte]]
- implicit val vD: EmptyMovable[Vec[Double]]
- implicit val vF: EmptyMovable[Vec[Float]]
- implicit val vI: EmptyMovable[Vec[Int]]
- implicit val vL: EmptyMovable[Vec[Long]]
- implicit val vS: EmptyMovable[Mat[Short]]